June 24, 2021

Dear Prayer Partners:

We thank you for your prayers and financial support and count it a privilege to be your missionaries to Honduras. Thank you so much for your prayers for Alba. She received her last chemotherapy for this round May 25th. Her appointments are every three weeks. At that time they run blood tests, also. Each time her blood test results improve. Now they are giving her maintenance treatments. But, she is much stronger now. The doctor said that this is a good time to let her body rest and recover from the chemotherapy treatments. We praise the Lord! Please pray for ALBA’S health and strength and ABOVE ALL PLEASE PRAY FOR A MIRACULOUS AND GOD-GLORIFYING HEALING OF HER BODY.

I have been privileged to preach in four churches while we have been here. I was excited to be able to teach six classes in the Norris Bible Baptist Seminary (https://www.norrisseminary.org/) in Fort Worth, Texas. Also, we were able to attend some of our home church’s mission conference. In May, we attended the Annual Fellowship Meeting of the Independent Baptist Fellowship International (https://www.ibfi.us/) and I was honored to be asked to teach in the Missions Seminar. And, our friend, Bro. Phillip Sawilowsky of OLIVE TREE MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL has asked me to translate the materials from their video series called the Virtual Tour of Israel from their Jewish Heritage Night classes (https://olivetreeministryinternational.org/).

The work in Siguatepeque continues to have church services via Zoom. They meet Sunday mornings in the building we rent. Missionary Bro. J.D. Young helps with the technology getting it projected on the screen, leads the music, and I teach from here via Zoom. Sometimes Bro. Young preaches too. We continue to have the Sunday night and our midweek prayer services via Zoom only. My parents’ work is able now to have in person services, so on Sunday night, we merge our services on Zoom. I continue to teach two discipleship classes a week on the Gospel of John via Zoom. In June, Bro. Young renewed the visitation going door to door. I recently was asked by one of our men to talk to his ten year old son about his salvation after our prayer service and the little boy received Christ as his Savior! That was so exciting! So in spite of the obstacles, God’s work continues

We are planning a trip for several weeks to Honduras in August. I must renew my residence visa I.D. card and Alba has to get her new I.D. card to which they are changing everyone. We will have special services and Lord willing, I will be baptizing several people. If you would like to help with the expenses of this trip, please send a check to IBFI and made out to the IBFI designated for LESLIE & ALBA’s travel funds.

I have been updating our website, so check it out! Thank you again for your faithful prayers and financial support. May God bless you greatly.

June 25, 2021

Yours with hope for Honduras, Leslie and Alba Priday


Email: lesliepriday@gmail.com

Web Page: www.lesliepriday.com

SENT BY: Victory Baptist Church, 1311 E. Bankhead Drive, Weatherford, TX 76086, Dr. Charles W. Wetherbee, Pastor

AFFILIATED WITH: Independent Baptist Fellowship International, 724 N. Jim Wright Freeway, Ft. Worth, TX 76108