September 7, 2021

Dear Pastor and Church:

Greetings from Honduras! We returned August 11th. It has been wonderful to see and spend time with our family here. We thank you for your prayers and financial support and count it a privilege to be your missionaries to Honduras. Thank you so much for your prayers for Alba. We praise the Lord for her improvements! Her surgery in July was a success and she recuperated well. But a week after we returned, she tripped and broke two bones in one foot and one bone in the other foot. She has to wear a boot on one and a special shoe on the other. Please continue to pray for ALBA’S health and strength and ABOVE ALL PLEASE PRAY FOR A MIRACULOUS AND GOD-GLORIFYING HEALING OF HER BODY.

It has been great to be in the services and preach in person in our work in Honduras and to see the people, We are studying the Gospel of Mark in Sunday School. The Sunday night and midweek services continue via Zoom. So in spite of the obstacles, God’s work continues. On Saturdays, we are going out in groups and passing out tracts. We hope to have a baptism service this month. The number of COVID cases skyrocketed in August, so we still have to be careful. But many people are getting vaccinated, so we plan to eliminate the Zoom services in November and hopefully we can then resume door to door visitation.

I was able to renew my residence visa I.D. card on time without any problems, praise the Lord. Alba was able to apply for her new I.D. card to which they are changing everyone.

Thank you again for your faithful prayers and financial support. May God bless you greatly. Yours with Hope for Honduras,

Leslie & Alba Priday


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SENT BY: Victory Baptist Church, 1311 E. Bankhead Drive, Weatherford, TX 76086, Dr. Charles W. Wetherbee, Pastor
AFFILIATED WITH: Independent Baptist Fellowship International, 724 N. Jim Wright Freeway, Ft. Worth, TX 76108