Dear Pastor and Church:
Wow! It is unbelievable how the last two months have flown by! Thank you for your prayers and financial support.
Youth Camp in April was a great blessing. We praise the Lord for supplying all the funds needed to help the campers. We had enough counselors as well. Pastor Daniel and I taught the morning classes and my Dad, Pastor Walter, and Pastor Daniel preached in the night services. This year during the activity time, Halbert planned for us to go a nursing home and work. Three afternoons, we shared with the residents, cleaned their rooms, bathrooms, halls, meeting room, and the grounds. On Friday night, we had bonfire and testimony time. What a blessing to hear how God is working in the lives of the teens. Please pray for them that the Lord will help them continue in His Paths and keep the promises they made. Thank you for your prayers and special offerings to help make Camp possible!
Youth Camp ended on Saturday and Resurrection Sunday we had the Sunrise Service and breakfast at our home at 5:00 a.m. Alba made pancakes for everyone. In the evening service we observed the Lord’s Supper and everyone who attended Camp gave a testimony. It was a blessed time.
April 26th our youngest son Edgar was married to Alexandra Orellana from Siguatepeque. My Father did the ceremony. It was a beautiful wedding. They live just five minutes from us so that is nice. Please pray for them as they start their new lives together that they will keep the Lord first in their lives and serve Him together.
Yours with Hope For Honduras,
Leslie & Alba Priday