February 12, 2015
Dear Colaborers:
The last several months we have been trying to obtain the email addresses of each of our churches to send our prayer letters, but have not been able to. Our home church sends out our letters and no longer has their bulk rate permit so we are trying to send our letters by email. We greatly appreciate Victory’s years of mailing our letters. Please help us by sending us your email if you are not receiving emails from us. Our email address is lesliepriday@gmail.com.
Thank you so much for your prayers and financial support. December and January were busy months. Alba directed the Christmas programs this year. We had a drama and a puppet show. They did a great job and everyone enjoyed them. Following the dramas a pastor friend preached for us and we had a special supper.
The first week of January was our annual week of prayer. We had special prayer meetings Sunday through Friday and a short study on prayer. This week is always a blessing to us as we seek God’s direction for the New Year.
It was a privilege to have Missionary Miss Shelley Grimm of Vandalia Baptist Temple near Dayton, Ohio with us for a few days and she held a Ladies Conference for us. Please pray for her as she prepares to come to Honduras to minister this July.
The third week was our Vacation Bible School. We had three classes from ages 3 to 12. The teachers and workers did a fantastic job and we praise the Lord that thirteen precious children repented of their sins and received Christ as their Savior!
Our next big activity will be YOUTH CAMP, Easter Week or Holy Week as we say here. We ask you to once again be praying for it. To be able to have camp with our youth who come from poor homes, we have to help them with half of their camp costs. Please pray that the Lord will provide these extra funds. That comes out to about $50.00 for each camper. We are praying for a special offering of $2,500.00 for this camp. We need to know where we stand so we can plan accordingly. If you can help, please call or email us.
On a personal note, it is great to have my parents, Missionaries Harold and Lena Priday back here from their furlough. Also, we are excited to announce that Edgar is engaged to Miss Alexandra Orellana. They will be married here April 25th. Please be in prayer for them as they start their new lives together.
Please confirm if you receive this email as we must update our list.
Yours with Hope For Honduras,
Leslie & Alba Priday