July, 2015
Dear Prayer Partners:
Thank you so much for your prayers and financial support. We count it a privilege to be your missionaries here. We are in an extended dry season as has not been seen for many years. It usually starts raining in May. Farmers in many areas have lost their crops. But nothing compares with the Spiritual drought here. Heresy is spreading as a wildfire, masquerading as true Christianity.
Satan has been battling in the lives of many of the people in the mission with sickness, family problems, unemployment, and financial problems. Please pray that the Christians will keep their eyes on the Lord and be faithful. As the teens grow and move away for their education and jobs, they many times also drift away from the Lord. Please pray for them.
May was a very busy month with a special Mother’s Day celebration, a men’s meeting, and a surprise Pastor’s Day celebration. It is always encouraging to hear their testimonies of how we have been a blessing to their lives. To God be the glory! In July we had a watch night service from 7:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. It was a time of special music, testimonies, preaching, a bonfire, and several times of special prayer. I praise the Lord for Bro. Arturo who has started teaching Sunday School! Please pray for him because his wife does not attend church.
Next May, 2016, we will be returning to the U. S. for our furlough. Our last furlough was 2007 to 2008. We are already beginning to work on our schedule. It would be an honor for us to be in your church. I am attaching a postcard for you to please complete and print and return to us as soon as possible by mail or by email. Our email is lesliepriday@gmail.com . I will contact you to confirm or change if necessary. Thank you for your help!
Yours with Hope For Honduras,
Leslie & Alba Priday