JUNE 3, 2004
Dear Pastor and Church:
Wow it is hard to believe how fast the month of May flew by! Please forgive the delay of this letter. We are now in our rainy season and it is raining very much. Much has happened the last two months. Thank you for your prayers and financial support.
We praise the Lord that Youth Camp was a great success and blessing. The theme was BE SALT AND LIGHT. Pastor Walter led the services and music and was a cabin leader. His wife was also a cabin leader, as well as 3 ladies from our church. Our oldest son Steve was with us this year and he was also a cabin leader and ran the computer, sound and projector. This year the Lord blessed us with enough cabin leaders so that Pastor Daniel, Alba and I did not have to, allowing us to dedicate more time to prepare for the classes and preaching and directing everything. Pastor Daniel and I taught classes on discipleship, he taught on the the doctrine of Christ, and I taught eight basic doctrines of the Bible. Pastor Edwin from another local church preached two nights and Pastor Daniel another night and we showed a Christian movie. Halbert was the activities director with the assistance of one of the teen girl from our church. Edgar helped us set everything up and take it down the last day. We praise the Lord we had forty-one in attendance. Each one received a 48 page booklet with worksheets from the lessons to take notes. The last night was the bonfire/testimony service and each of the testimonies of how the Lord worked in the lives of the youth encourage us to continue on every year. We praise the Lord for the special offerings that came in to help pay the way of those attending. This is fruit that abounds to your account! Philippians 4:17.
I was asked to preach the funeral and speak at the burial of Pastor Polo’s mother who went home to be with the Lord. I thank the Lord for the opportunity to share the same Gospel in her funeral that she taught so many years in Sunday School.
My parent’s 53rd wedding anniversary was April 15th. They are in the States on a short furlough. We celebrated Halbert’s birthday in Camp. Resurrection Sunday we had a Sunrise service at our house followed by the pancake breakfast that Alba makes every year. That night we had the Youth Service where each one gives a testimony about Camp and the teen choir sang. We also observed the Lord’s Supper. In May Alba, Edgar, and I celebrated our birthdays, then Mother’s Day, and the church honored Alba and I by celebrating Pastor’s Day. They planned a special service with special music, poems, directed by Halbert, and Edgar preached! It was an exciting and touching service. This is fruit that abounds to your account! Philippians 4:17.
May was also a big month for expenses! We had to do major repairs to both our cars adding up to $3,850 and replace half of our roof which cost us $1205. We praise the Lord for the special offerings that have come in to cover almost all of these expenses. May God bless you for your part in His work in Honduras. It is our privilege to be your missionaries here.
Yours with Hope For Honduras,
Leslie & Alba Priday