November, 2014
Dear Friends,
Thank you so much for your faithful prayers and support. Please forgive the delay of this note, I have been trying to get the email addresses of each of our churches to send our prayer letters, but have not been able to. Our home church sends out our letters and no longer has their bulk rate permit so we are trying to send our letters by email. Please help us by sending us your email you are not receiving emails from us.
Thank you for your prayers for the Men’s Conference. It was the last week of October. A pastor from Tegucigalpa and I taught the theme Men Called By God and we taught on the lives and call of five men from the Bible, Abraham, Moses, Elijah, John the Baptist and Paul. We had fifteen men attend from our local churches.
In October we had a Youth Rally with teens in attendance from 4 churches. Youth here as everywhere are under attack from Satan. Please pray for them. We are excited for a couple in the church in Barrio Abajo who will be married in December. The church is preparing for their Christmas programs. We will have a puppet program and the teens and adults will also do a drama followed by a special Christmas supper.
Thank you for holding the ropes as we serve here. The first week in January we will have our annual week of prayer. The third week we’ll hold Vacation Bible School. We trust that each of you have had a great Thanksgiving. May God bless each of you in a special way.
Yours with Hope for Honduras,
Leslie and Alba Priday