November, 2014

November,  2014

Dear Friends,

Thank you so much for your faithful prayers and support.  Please forgive the delay of this note, I have been trying to get the email addresses of each of our churches to send our prayer letters, but have not been able to.  Our home church sends out our letters and no longer has their bulk rate permit so we are trying to send our letters by email.  Please help us by sending us your email you are not receiving emails from us.

Thank you for your prayers for the Men’s Conference.  It was the last week of October.  A pastor from Tegucigalpa and I taught the theme Men Called By God and we taught on the lives and call of five men from the Bible, Abraham, Moses, Elijah, John the Baptist and Paul.  We had fifteen men attend from our local churches.

In October we had a Youth Rally with teens in attendance from 4 churches.   Youth here as everywhere are under attack from Satan.  Please pray for them.  We are excited for a couple in the church in Barrio Abajo who will be married in December.  The church is preparing for their Christmas programs.  We will have a puppet program and the teens and adults will also do a drama followed by a special Christmas supper.

Thank you for holding the ropes as we serve here.  The first week in January we will have our annual week of prayer.  The third week we’ll hold Vacation Bible School.  We trust that each of you have had a great Thanksgiving.  May God bless each of you in a special way.

Yours with Hope for Honduras,

Leslie and Alba Priday

August, 2014

August, 2104

Dear Friends:

Thank you so much for your prayers and support.  We count it a privilege to be your missionaries in Honduras.  In the future, we will be sending our letters by email to lower the cost and the time consuming preparations of sending by USPS bulk mail.  Once again, I ask that each church please send us the email address where you would like to receive our letters.  If you already have, thank you!  Please contact us at

Now on a personal note:  Halbert told us at the beginning of the year that he was dealing with doubts about his salvation.  We talked and prayed about it and he decided that he needed to receive Christ as his Savior.  Shortly afterward, he followed the Lord in baptism.   We praise the Lord for touching his heart and for Halbert’s decision.  What a blessing to baptize our son.  In June he asked if we could divide the adults from the teens in Sunday School and he teach the teens.  So he has already started a new class.  Your prayers for us as a family are so important.

The mission work in Barrio Abajo continues to grow.  Please pray that the Lord will provide a Honduran pastor for that work.  We were blessed to have a group from Vandalia Baptist Temple, Vandalia, Ohio with us for eight days in July.  Pastor Rick Washburn preached in two of our services and in Sunday School for Pastor Polo in Iglesia Bautista Victoria.  They sang, gave testimonies, and did a puppet show in each church.  Also, they did a presentation in two elementary schools and to two different junior and senior high groups.  They passed out tracts to each group and all over the market area.  They also painted the inside of the building where the church meets.  We praise the Lord for their sacrifice to come and their hard work while here!!  If you would like to bring a group of any size from your church, please let us know.  You are welcome here!!!

Recently the youth had a special activity night with games, food and we showed the movie, “God Is Not Dead” and then analyzed it.  Also, last week, the church had an all night service from 7 p.m. to 6 a.m.  It was a great blessing.  We had three services with many testimonies, special music, games, supper, a movie and two preaching sessions.  Pastor Walter Cortes was our special speaker and did a great job.

September 10th is Children’s Day here so we will have a special celebration with an evangelistic emphasis.  In October we will host a national Men’s Conference.  The theme will be Men Called of God and we will study six principal men of the Bible.  Please pray for these special ministries.   May the Lord bless each of you greatly.

Yours with Hope For Honduras,

Leslie & Alba Priday

June, 2014

JUNE 3, 2004

Dear Pastor and Church:

Wow it is hard to believe how fast the month of May flew by!  Please forgive the delay of this letter.  We are now in our rainy season and it is raining very much.  Much has happened the last two months.  Thank you for your prayers and financial support.

We praise the Lord that Youth Camp was a great success and blessing.  The theme was BE SALT AND LIGHT.  Pastor Walter led the services and music and was a cabin leader.  His wife was also a cabin leader, as well as 3 ladies from our church.  Our oldest son Steve was with us this year and he was also a cabin leader and ran the computer, sound and projector.  This year the Lord blessed us with enough cabin leaders so that Pastor Daniel,  Alba and I did not have to, allowing us to dedicate more time to prepare for the classes and preaching and directing everything.   Pastor Daniel and I taught classes on discipleship, he taught on the the doctrine of Christ, and I taught eight basic doctrines of the Bible.  Pastor Edwin from another local church preached two nights and Pastor Daniel another night and we showed a Christian movie.  Halbert was the activities director with the assistance of one of the teen girl from our church.  Edgar helped us set everything up and take it down the last day.  We praise the Lord we had forty-one in attendance.  Each one received a 48 page booklet with worksheets from the lessons to take notes.  The last night was the bonfire/testimony service and each of the testimonies of how the Lord worked in the lives of the youth encourage us to continue on every year.  We praise the Lord for the special offerings that came in to help pay the way of those attending.  This is fruit that abounds to your account! Philippians 4:17.

I was asked to preach the funeral and speak at the burial of Pastor Polo’s mother who went home to be with the Lord.  I thank the Lord for the opportunity to share the same Gospel in her funeral that she taught so many years in Sunday School.

My parent’s 53rd wedding anniversary was April 15th.  They are in the States on a short furlough.  We celebrated Halbert’s birthday in Camp. Resurrection Sunday we had a Sunrise service at our house followed by the pancake breakfast that Alba makes every year.  That night we had the Youth Service where each one gives a testimony about Camp and the teen choir sang.  We also observed the Lord’s Supper.  In May Alba, Edgar, and I celebrated our birthdays, then Mother’s Day, and the church honored Alba and I by celebrating Pastor’s Day.  They planned a special service with special music, poems, directed by Halbert, and Edgar preached!  It was an exciting and touching service.   This is fruit that abounds to your account! Philippians 4:17.

May was also a big month for expenses! We had to do major repairs to both our cars adding up to $3,850 and replace half of our roof which cost us $1205.  We praise the Lord for the special offerings that have come in to cover almost all of these expenses.  May God bless you for your part in His work in Honduras.   It is our privilege to be your missionaries here.

Yours with Hope For Honduras,

Leslie & Alba Priday

March, 2014

March 12, 2014

Dear Colaboreres:

Greetings from hot and dusty Honduras! We are in the middle of our summer here. We are busy with the preparations for your annual Youth Camp. The dates this year are April 15th-19th. The theme is Be Salt and Light, emphasizing discipleship and evangelism. Because of the high percentage of youth in the population of Honduras and the risks they face, we consider Youth Camp the most important activity of our year. As our friend and Associate Pastor Rev. Jonathan Stewart says, we want to ISOLATE them from the world and bad influences, INSULATE them against the devil’s attacks and temptation, and INUNDATE them with the Word of God. We want to train workers for the Lord and leaders for the churches that participate. We are including pictures from last year’s camp.

Please pray that the Lord will provide these extra funds. That comes out to about $50.00 for each camper. We are praying for a special offering of $2,500.00 for this camp. We need to know where we stand so we can plan accordingly. If you would like to help financially, please contact us by phone or email. Your prayers and financial help are an eternal investment in the lives of the youth who will be attending.

We also ask you to fervently pray with us and for us as we organize and operate this year’s camp that the hearts of the youth will be touched by God’s Word, that He will help the teachers, preachers, and counselors, and that His Name will be honored.

Yours with Hope For Honduras,

The Leslie Priday Family

January, 2014

JANUARY 20, 2014  

Dear Prayer Partners:

 Thank you for your faithful prayers and financial support.   As we begin another year, we covet and appreciate your continued prayers.  It is our privilege to represent you in Honduras as we obey the Great Commission together.  We hope that you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year.

We ask you to once again be praying for our annual Youth Camp in April.  To be able to have camp with our youth who come from poor homes, we have to help them with half of their camp costs.  Please pray that the Lord will provide these extra funds.  That comes out to about $50.00 for each camper.  We are praying for a special offering of $2,500.00 for this camp.    We need to know where we stand so we can plan accordingly.  If you can help, please contact us.

We praise the Lord that the elections here went smoothly without violent protests and the losers have accepted their defeat.  The newly elected officials will be sworn in this week.  Please pray that they will serve honestly and that they will fight against the corruption and violence in the country.  We know that the only true hope for the problems of Honduras is Jesus Christ.

During November and December the young people and a few adults practiced hard for our Christmas program under the direction of a new lady and Halbert.  It was a drama and musical combined.  We praise the Lord for their hard work and that it was a  blessing to all of us.  It was exciting to watch them do it.    After the program, we fellowshipped over a delicious Christmas dinner.  We spent Christmas Eve at home and Christmas day at my parent’s house.  On New Year’s Day some of Alba’s family came for lunch.

Two Thousand and Fourteen has started with a busy schedule as usual.  The first week from Sunday to Sunday we had our annual week of prayer.  We have a lesson on prayer each day and then a special time of prayer for a different theme.  Soon we will have a special Friend’s Day with special guests Missionary Oscar Pineda and a group from their work in another area of the country.

Please pray for a young teen boy named Ramon.  He was saved recently and wants to be baptized but is facing opposition from his family who are staunch Catholics.  We pray that the New Year will bring you health and many blessings from the Lord as you serve Him.   Thank you again for your prayers and support. 

Yours with Hope For Honduras,

Leslie, Alba, Halbert, & Edgar Priday