January, 2016
Dear Pastor and Church:
Happy New Year!! We trust that each of you had a wonderful Christmas and that you will have a blessed 2016. Thank you for your prayers and financial support. It is our privilege to be your missionaries here in Honduras.
We had a special Christmas service and dinner in the mission work December 20th. Alba directed a puppet show and a drama, Halbert led in special music, and I preached.
On December 26, we had a youth rally with five churches from 4 different areas. We had games and a service in the morning, lunch, and then more games and another service in the afternoon. Praise the Lord we had about seventy-five present!
We began the year with our annual week of prayer, meeting Monday through Saturday for special prayer and a short sermon about prayer.
Please continue to pray for our 2016 YOUTH CAMP, Easter Week or Holy Week as we say here. To be able to have camp with our youth who come from poor homes, we have to help them with half of their camp costs. Please pray that the Lord will provide these extra funds. That comes out to about $55.00 for each camper. We are praying for a special offering of $2,750.00 for this camp. Please notify us by phone or email if you are able to participate. We will be teaching on Evangelism. We will also have a separate class for the girls taught by Missionary Shelley Grimm and for the boys taught by Missionary Harold Priday. Different men will be preaching each night.
In April, we will be returning to the U. S. for our furlough. Our last furlough was 2007-2008. We are already beginning to work on our schedule. It would be an honor for us to be in your church. I am attaching a postcard for you to please complete and print and return to us as soon as possible by mail or by email if you have not done so already. Our email is lesliepriday@gmail.com . I will contact you to confirm or change if necessary. Thank you to those who have already contacted us. Thank you for your help!
Yours with Hope For Honduras,
Leslie & Alba Priday